The Garden Thyme Podcast

Episode 11- Fall Lawn Care

September 09, 2020 Garden Thyme Podcast Season 1 Episode 11

Hi Listener,

In this month's episode, we talk about planting trees and shrubs in the fall, fall lawn care (7:25), cover crops (15:25), and preparing your yard for bad weather (24:25).

Here are the Virginia Extension Guide to Successful Pruning and the Shrub Pruning Calendar 

Native Plant of the Month: Indiangrass (27:30) 
Bug of the Month: Royal walnut moth also known as the hickory horned devils  (29:40)
Vegetable Garden Tips of the Month: Garlic, figs, and winter squash (34:50)

 For more information about University of Maryland Extension and these topics, please check out the Home and Garden Information Center website at

If you have any garden questions you like us to talk about you can email us at 

Episode Image: Royal Walnut Moth by Tom Coleman, USDA Forest Service,